What is Nouns : Types of Nouns With Examples | Grammer

what is nouns


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What is Nouns : The name of a person , place , thing or an animal are called nouns. They are called naming words also.

Examples :

  1. My mother went to market.
  2. The dogs bark.
  3. Milk is good for health.
  4. Beauty is praised everywhere.

All the above highlighted words are nouns as they are names of person , place , animal and thing.

Kinds of Nouns

There are six kinds of nouns

Proper Nouns :

The names of a particular person , place, thing or an animal are called proper nouns.

Example :

  • Sheena is my best friend.
  • Delhi is the capital of India.
  • Gulliver’s Travel is a famous novel.
  • Black Berry is a brand of cell phones.

All the above highlighted Nonu words are proper nouns as they are special names of person , place , animal or thing.

Common Nouns

The same kind of names of person , place or thing are called common Nouns.

Examples :

  • The boys play cricket in the field.
  • Meerut is a big city.
  • Dev knows how to speak the French language.
  • We all eat food to live.

All the above highlighted noun words are common nouns as they are same kind of person , place or thing.

Collective Nouns

The names of a collection of persons , places , thing or animals are called collective Nouns.

Examples :

  • Our team played well yesterday.
  • Neha saw a flock of sheep.
  • The boy eats a bunch of grapes everyday.
  • A gang of robbers is caught by the police.

All the above highlighted noun words are collective nouns as they are same kind of person , place animals or thing.

Material Nouns

The names of thing that are made up of substances are called material Nouns.

Examples :

  • The baby cries for milk.
  • My new almirah is made of wood.
  • The chapati is made from flour.
  • There are two bags of cement in the room.

All the above highlighted nouns are material Nouns as they are names of substances.

Abstract Nouns

The names of feelings , qualities , actions or states are called abstract nouns.

Example :

  • Honesty is the best policy.
  • Bitter gourd is known for its bitterness.
  • We should have humanity.
  • Socrates was known for his wisdom.

All the above highlighted nouns are abstract Nouns as they are names of qualities , feelings , actions or states.

Countable and Uncountable Nouns

The nouns that can be counted are called countable nouns. The nouns that cannot be counted are called uncountable nouns.

Example :

  • The girls are dancing well.
  • I have two red pens.
  • Sugar tastes sweet.
  • Water is necessary to live.

In sentence 1, 2 highlighted nouns are countable nouns. In sentence 3 and 4 highlighted words are uncountable nouns.

Note : There are no plural forms of material Nouns.

Function Of Noun

The noun is also used as a subject, a direct object, and an indirect object; As an object of a preposition; And as adverbs or adjectives in sentences.

Subject : The company is doing amazing.

Direct object: I finally bought a new car.